The name of the Association shall be “The Bradford & District Rabbits Golf Association“, affiliated to the Yorkshire Rabbit Golf Association.
A rabbit is a male member of a golf club whose competitive handicap is 16 or over. For all Association competitions he must also be a playing member aged 18 or over.
The objectives of the Association shall be to:
- Promote the game of golf.
- Stimulate and encourage the interests of the longer handicap players by arrangement of
- Rabbit competitions within the specified area and within the framework of individual member clubs.
- Work for the benefit of the Association and give the fullest support to the parent body, namely the Yorkshire Rabbit Golf Association.
- Organise and conduct social events, including meetings to impart a better knowledge of the game of golf to all Rabbits.
- Encourage and develop the formation of Rabbit sections in golf clubs within the specified area.
The Association year shall commence on January 1st and terminate on December 31st. The financial year will end on October 31st.
Each affiliated club shall pay an annual fee to be decided by the executive committee, which shall be paid by February 28th.
The Rabbit section of any club within the area may become a member of the Association by making a formal application in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the Association and subject to the approval of the executive committee.
The Association shall be managed by a committee comprising of the following:
- A president who may hold office for a period not exceeding two years.
- A vice-president (who shall not be a member of the same club as the president).
- A junior vice-president (who shall not be a member of the same club as the president or vice-president) if the committee shall deem it necessary.
- A secretary/treasurer.
- A League secretary.
- A Chippendale Trophy secretary.
- Eight other members of the executive committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Any member of a club Rabbit section may be eligible for election to the executive committee or to any position on the YRGA committee.
Any member of the executive committee losing his Rabbit or membership status during his term of office shall have the option of remaining on the executive committee.
All the officials enumerated in sub section (a) to (f) above shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but all shall be eligible for re-election, except for the president, who may, however, accept another office.
Any casual vacancy or vacancies in the committee may be filled by the committee upon the same terms as apply to other members of the executive. Retiring presidents shall be entitled to sit as ex-officio members of the committee for so long as they so desire.
The quorum of the executive committee meeting shall be six.
If the affairs of the Association shall be wound up for any reason the assets remaining after the payment of all debts shall be divided equally between affiliated clubs.
The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an executive committee consisting of the officers, past and life vice presidents and an elected committee of eight, elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, each having one vote. In the event of a tie, the chairman will have a second and casting vote.
An Annual General Meeting, to which all affiliated clubs may send members shall be held in the month of January (or early February), to elect officers, receive the secretary’s report together with the treasurer’s accounts and to transact any other business of the Association. At least 28 days notice of this meeting shall be given.
Any resolutions or recommendations from the affiliated clubs shall be in the hands of the secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. Only two members per club shall vote on any resolution.
Amendments may be made at the AGM and in accordance with general practice be voted upon prior to the proposals. All amendments must be proposed and seconded before consideration of the original proposal.
The following are entitled to attend the meeting: officers, members of the executive committee, past presidents and life vice-presidents, members of affiliated club Rabbit sections.
All present will be entitled to speak on any matter under consideration but only two representatives of each affiliated club Rabbit section will be entitled to vote. Representatives must have the authority of their Rabbit section to vote. Members of the executive will not have the right to vote unless representing an affiliated club Rabbit section.
A quorum shall be representatives of eight affiliated club Rabbit sections.
The executive committee may call an extraordinary General Meeting of the Association should it consider this necessary to deal with a matter of urgent importance, or in the event that it receives a request to do so from not less than eight affiliated golf club Rabbit sections. It must give not less than 14 days’ notice of such meeting.
All Competitions shall normally be played from the front tees and according to the Rules of Golf as laid down by the Royal and Ancient Club of St. Andrews and the Local Rules of the club where the competition takes place.
Any dispute whatsoever shall be decided by the executive committee or its appointed officers and their decision shall be final.
Anyone who is a playing member of a BDRGA affiliated Golf Club with a competitive handicap of 16 to 28 can play in Association competitions. Members with a handicap in excess of 28 may play but must play off a handicap of 28.